Hello, world!

Welcome to my blog! My plan is to use this site to write about topics I’m interested in - such as software development, photography, productivity, or anything else that comes to mind - as well as share things I learn or create.

When I discovered Astro and MDX I felt like it would be a fun learning opportunity to put together a small little blog, hopefully further incentivizing me to focus on writing more. I wanted something that was easy to set up and would allow me to write all my posts in markdown - that’s exactly the experience I got out of the box with Astro.

There’s a great blog template available that makes scaffolding a starter blog incredibly easy. Customization was also quite simple!

npm create astro@latest -- --template blog

npx astro add tailwind # if you want Tailwind as an integration

All I had to do was add Tailwind as an integration, customize the styling to my liking, and install the @tailwindcss/typography package to improve the markdown formatting.

That’s it for now! I have a few ideas brewing for future posts, stay tuned.